Big Class Brown (2pcs) [Silicon Hydrogel] Color Contacts Main Image

Big Class Brown (2pcs) Monthly

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Big Class Brown (2pcs) [Silicon Hydrogel] Color Contacts

These Big Class circle lenses have a natural 1-day look and come in a variety of beautiful colors, making eye color pop instantly. Our lenses feature a light brown almond base color with a 10% gold tint that gives your eyes a fresh glow. These colored contacts are super comfortable to wear thanks to their 42% water content and 1-month replacement warranty. At Lensvery all of our circle lenses are made with FDA approved silicone hydrogel which provides the highest oxygen transmissibility and is considered one of the most comfortable materials on the market today! Simply order these amazing circle contact lenses from Lurube, where you’ll get fast shipping and excellent customer service.

Big Class colored contacts for dark brown eyes will make your eyes look bigger, brighter and more beautiful than ever before. They are perfect if you want to make a fun change to your everyday eye color or even if you just want something different for special occasions. The lenses are extremely comfortable to wear thanks to their 42% water content and 1-month replacement.

  • With a natural almond base color, Big Class Brown Color Contacts will enhance your natural eye color and bring out your unique beauty.
  • Available in both non prescription and myopia prescription (power 0.00 ~ -8.00)

  • Each box contains 2 lenses of the same power. Please order 2 boxes if you need a different power for each eye.

Big Class Lenses are a popular choice for cosplay, Halloween and casual wear. You'll notice their soft, natural look the moment you put them on. The colors in these circle lenses are designed to match Asian eyes best, so they're sure to give you a super realistic look any time you want.

DIA 14.7mm
Graphic Dia 14mm
BC 8.7mm
Using Period 1Month
Water Content


Power 0.00~-8.00(0.25Step)
There are no -0.25, -0.75, -5.25, -5.75 
Manufacturer Lensvery
 Material Silicone Hydrogel
 Package  1 box (2pcs). please order 2boxes if you have a different power for each eye

